30 Avenue Montaigne
Christian Bérard
Christian Dior met Christian Bérard in the 1920s, through his friend the composer Henri Sauguet. A deep friendship developed between the two men.
Christian Dior admired this artist who “transformed everyday life into an enchantment”. He bought many drawings from him.
In 1947, Christian Dior entrusted ‘Bébé’ with the decor of the first boutique, named Colifichets, which was designed by Victor Grandpierre. The artist created a decor made of toile de Jouy, which to this day remains a strong code of the house of Dior.
While the New Look was a great success, Christian Bérard gifted Christian Dior with a drawing picturing the Bar suit in front of the façade of 30 Avenue Montaigne, as an eternal lucky charm for his couturier friend.
© Christian Bérard ; © Association Willy Maywald/ADAGP, Paris 2022